Labour Rearranges Deck Chairs in Portswood

Southampton City Council has announced the removal of the Brookvale Road buildout as part of the Portswood Project trial. Following feedback from residents and an interim recommendation from road safety auditors, the ‘give way’ priority buildout between Winn Road and Blenheim Avenue will be removed overnight on 5 March.
The council claims this is evidence they are listening to local people, but let’s be clear—residents have been saying for months that they want the Portswood Project scrapped entirely. This small change does not address the bigger issue: a deeply unpopular and disruptive scheme that the public overwhelmingly opposes.
Cllr Sam Chapman said:
"Residents don’t want tweaks—they want the Portswood Project gone. Labour is still stalling, wasting time and money, instead of delivering what people actually want. The council must listen and act now."
Furthermore, Southampton Liberal Democrats believe no more road constraints should be implemented without a city-wide, comprehensive Park & Ride scheme. If we want to reduce congestion and pollution, we need to give commuters and visitors a real alternative to driving, not just restrict roads and force people into bottlenecks.
SIGN THE PETITION to stop this project once and for all:
Let Labour know: Enough is enough.